Finding Answers of Faith
A place to help you find answers that will guide your faith in the right direction.

This website was created with the intention of helping you with the difficulties that might hinder your faith. Feel free to drop any question not included yet in the Ask a Question box. All the information it contains is free of any charge.

How to Pray
Prayer is basically communicating with God. It includes how we express our feelings, our concerns, and our needs to God. Jesus taught us how to pray. You can look up Jesus' prayer in Matthew 6:9-13
Jesus' prayer wasn't meant to be prayed in mere repetition, but it teaches us the important things prayers must include. Thus, a prayer should start with worship and the recognition of who God is for us.
Prayer can include petitions for forgiveness, for provision, and for protection. Also, something that can be added to your prayers is thanksgiving.
You can end your prayer by saying, "In Jesus Name", that way you will commend your prayer to Jesus' authority and care.
Remember that prayer is a conversation with God. God wants to hear from you, and He will answer to your needs and the sincerity of your heart.
“This, then, is how you should pray:
Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
And forgive us our debts,
as we also have forgiven our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from the evil one."
Matthew 6:9-13
Who is Jesus?
Although there are historical records about who Jesus was, I will focus on what the Bible says about Him. Jesus is the name He had as a human being. He is also called “The Christ”, and He was the Messiah who was prophesied that it was going to be born out of King David's descendants. Jesus was born of a virgin and lived as a man for about 30 years. After about three and a half years of ministry, he was crucified and died, but the Bible tells us that He resurrected on the third day. After that, He ascended to heaven, which was witnessed by many and recorded in the Gospels. There He took His rightful place at the right of God the Father. Thus, Jesus is the son of God, the second person of the Holy Trinity. The story of His coming to Earth, His death, and resurrection, has been written in the four gospels of the Bible (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John in the NT). His love, authority, and understanding of God gave a new direction to the course of history. His coming divided our known time in two, before Christ and after Christ (BC and AD). His life has influenced this world in unimaginable ways. We believe that He is alive and that as the son of God, He can answer of prayers and that He will direct us to God the Father.
Why do bad things happen to good people?
This world was good when it was created, but since sin entered it became subjected to darkness. The first humans according to the Bible were Adam and Eve. They were created by God in holiness and perfection. They were created in the image of God. Death had no authority over them. Thus, they were eternal beings, until they sinned. Since that time Adan and Eve got to know good, but also evil and humanity went under the domain of death. Jesus Christ came to save us, for whoever believed in Him, He gave them the right to become children of God (John1:12) Thus, even though we might be good, even if we are saved, the darkness in this world is always going to hurt us. God might let these things happen for many reasons. The first reason is that He might want to test us, the second reason is that it might be a consequence of our wrongdoings, and the third reason is that He might be trying to bless us. God's blessings are not always preceded by good things, they might come after tribulations and difficult times. Other reasons that God might let difficult things come over us are: to make us wise, to make us stronger, to teach us a life lesson, or to make us humble.
Is homosexuality a sin?
In the beginning, God created humans male and female. Being male or female is not just physical, it’s part of our identity, of who we are. Being a female is not just being physically different from a male, there are psychological differences too. It's not something that we can just physically try to change. Homosexuality is not what God created, and because it's wrong, it will bring with it consequences to our lives. It is not the only sin there is, but like many other sins, it will only separate us from God and His Holy Spirit. We know that some people might practice it thinking that they can find happiness that way, but only with God, will we be able to find true happiness.

About the Author
My name is Janet, and I am 48 years old. I was baptized in water in November of 1993. After that, I dedicated a great part of my time to studying the Bible. In recent years I have studied through Global University with the Assemblies of God.
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“And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.”
I Corinthians 13:13